A three-day Gurbani Kirtan Camp was successfully held at the Akal Group of Institutes, Sangrur, Punjab, from December 6 to 8, 2024. The event brought together 40 enthusiastic students from schools and colleges across the Sangrur region, offering them a unique opportunity to learn Gurbani Kirtan on traditional string instruments such as Rabab, Saranda, Taus, and Dilruba, as well as percussion instruments like Pakhawaj, Ukhli-Dhama, and Tabla.
The camp was a collaborative effort between the Akal Group of Institutes (Sangrur) and the Nād Music Institute (USA), aiming to revive and preserve the rich heritage of Gurbani Kirtan through interactive presentations, discussions, and hands-on training.
Nād Music Institute’s annual Gurbani Kirtan and Tabla Camp took place at Khalsa Gurmat Center in Federal Way, WA, from August 16 to 17, 2024. Over the course of the camp, 31 participants had the opportunity to learn Kirtan on traditional string instruments from Ustad Surjeet Singh Ji (UK) and Ustad Gurtej Singh Ji led Tabla/Jodi camp.